Sunday, March 18, 2012

House of the Infirmed

Great. Just great. I have a house full of sickies. It started with my niece and nephew. My brother tried to pass if off as allergies, so my parents thought nothing of bringing Baby Girl to their house the other day when they were in need of a sitter. So fast forward a few days and Baby Girl has a stuffy nose and is pretty cranky. Yeah, perhaps I should remind my brother that allergies are not communicable.

Now both my parents have this mystery "allergy," which means it's only a matter of time before we come down with it too. Fantastic! Needless to say I have been doling out the Zicam and the vitamin c like it's a snack

It wouldn't be so bad if it was just us but we're also playing host of a friend who is going through a tough time. It's bad enough that her situation is going from bad to total shit-storm (so wish I could claim that line as my own... ah well.) I don't think she needs the creeping illness to get her too.

Well, at least we have been able to get her out of the house for a wee bit to think clearly. Last week she joined us for a girl's weekend also, which is always fun. Nothing like retail therapy followed by a night of guzzling wine to make you forget your troubles for a spell.

Hmmm... perhaps that's the reason I haven't come down with anything yet. I've killed off anything in my system with alcohol... meh, just a thought. I'm seriously considering getting a haz-mat suit, but I think it may scare Baby Girl. :) Can you imagine?


Tam said...

perhaps that's the reason I haven't come down with anything yet. I've killed off anything in my system with alcohol...A shot of tequila a day keeps the doctor away! Check me out at: for more nonsense! Looking forward to networking.