Tuesday, April 21, 2009

I Won Another Quickfire Challenge!

Making dinner most nights feel like I'm on a quickfire challenge, Ala Top Chef. I have X ingredients, and I have little time to make something creative with said ingredients. Okay, so maybe it's just in my head, but still...

Tonight was another time when I feel I won. I don't know how it hit me but it was genius. I had chicken and for veggies I had five lonely looking carrots. I made honey mustard baked chicken and apricot glazed carrots. I paired it with a baby spinach salad (Aaron's nemesis- not salads, spinach.) It rocked!

Aaron even ate the spinach, which proves my theory correct; if you don't tell them what it is they'll eat it and perhaps, even like it. I didn't say a word about the potentially offensive green and what do you know... he said he really liked the salad and even helped himself to seconds. When he finished dinner, I broke the news to him. He said then said he actually likes baby spinach. Whatever, I'm still not telling him he's been eating regular spinach in my glass noodle and veggie dish for years. I originally told him it was bok choy.


Cathy said...

Sneaky! I love it! Congrats on the yummy dinner.

I had whole wheat pasta w/ marinara, spinach and red peppers with a couple of small meatballs and a splash of red wine. I think your dinner trumped mine!

Optimistic Pessimist said...

Congratulations on your deserve it. I love the sneaky food methond.

BeeOhVee said...

Thank you both very much. :) Now I REALLY don't feel abd about not being up front with it. :)