Wednesday, November 4, 2009

And We're Breathing... Breathing... Breeeeeathing...

So after taking a few days off to recoup and try to regain a hold on things, I've decided to say 'Eff it.' I'm going to try my best to regain order but if order insists on being elusive, then so friggin' be it. Those with strong faith in God will also call this, having faith. I'm one of these people, so God, I hope you're a reader. :)

Yes, I've decided that perhaps things will not get to me so much if I try to take a more laid-back, Zen-like, if you will, approach to things. So far it's working. Despite the DMV and ticket thing and not hearing word one from any of the numerous job applications I've sent out, I've yet to reach for a single, solitary cigarette. I have, however, increased my hot chocolate intake and Yoga practice time. So you know, by the time I do end up gainfully employed again, I'll be limber. Chubby wubby, but limber and very relaxed.

Sigh... Hey, does anyone out there know someone who's good at rejiggering resumes? I sent mine to and Careerbuilder's resume revamp services and they said I have a lot of good stuff to work with but it needs to be spruced up and "streamlined" in some areas. While I agree, I refuse to pay ~$400 to have to retool it. And by refuse to pay, I mean, can't afford it. So yes, if anyone out there would like to take a crack at sprucing up my resume or know someone who would be willing to do me a solid, I would be eternally grateful and would more than likely give them some sort of nifty gift in exchange.


Chele76 said...

no gifts needed - but if you'd like to shoot it over to me, I'll take a look at it for ya.

Cathy said...

good for you with no cigs!

Dizzy Vizzy said...

Proud of you for not smoking chickie!